
Christmas with the Klenners (2013)

This for me was one of the most magical Christmas experience I've had! We woke up to snow just starting to fall, and as we left the city and headed east to meet Dan's family at this Christmas tree farm, the flakes just kept getting bigger and bigger. What better way to start the day.

It was a Monday morning, and there was nobody around. Dan's dad, being the guy he is, of course called ahead to let them know we were coming, and they had the fire going and opened the place up just for us! We had the pick of the lot, after the busiest weekend the owner has had in a long time, it was a beautiful site to see a forest of trees and no one to fight them for. They had a dozen different types of trees, all sizes and shapes, so perfect each one. We sat by the fire, drank hot chocolate and watched the snow slowly blanket the trees. It didn't take us long to pick the perfect apartment sized tree for our little place. This is the first time I'd ever been to a Christmas tree farm, first time I've ever cut one down too, figuratively speaking.  It is a tradition I want to keep up. Even though the busy-ness of this year hasn't allowed us the privilege, next year this will be a tradition we will start as a family, with our very own 6 month old babe (AH!)

To starting new traditions, and keeping old ones. Dan and I haven't made any traditions yet in our 4 years of marriage, we've joined in with our families and kept up what we've done all our lives. I'm excited to see what the change of us starting a family will bring, not that I want much to change, but there are so many fun things to add.

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